Elk Peaks Consulting Group, Ltd.
Association Management Resources
Okay, so Association Management isn’t rocket science. Nevertheless, if it was easy so many associations wouldn’t be so bad at it. Our Mission is to do all that we can to correct that.
This section contains important information that we believe will help, if not enable, your association to excel if you will take time to explore, understand, learn and apply the information contained herein.
Please understand that the information presented here is not intended to be legal or financial advice. It is solely information, thoughts and in some cases, opinions that we’ve personally found useful, and hope that you will as well.
When in doubt, check with your own legal, financial or other professional advisers.
Garbage Kills Bears
Allowing bears to use trash and garbage as a food source creates serious problems for both people and bears. Because the food reward is so great, bears are willing to work hard to get at trash and garbage, and return often in hopes… …read more
Bear Proofing Your Home
Only people can prevent conflicts with bears. Please do you part to protect your home and property, and prevent conflicts with bears. …read more
Bear Deterrents
Bears are always on the lookout for food sources. Like most animals, bears are interested in finding the most calories they can for the least amount of work. …read more
Attracting Birds, Not Bears
Some studies show that over 80 percent of human-bear conflicts can be traced back to the bear’s first encounter with a bird feeder. Bird feeders are usually easy for bears to recognize and reach, and bird seed has… …read more
CAIF, Snap Survey, Reserve Funding, 2013.09
Does your association have a formal reserve fund? …read more
CAIF, Snap Survey, Reserve Studies & Funding, 2015.04
How often do …(associations)… make substantive changes to the level of contributions they make to their reserve funds? …read more
CAIF, Snap Survey, Resident Satisfaction, 2014.06
What portion of your residents are satisfied with the Association? …read more
CAIF, Snap Survey, Water Conservation, 2015.11
Is your community implementing water conservation measures beyond what is required by state and local governments? …read more
CCIOA Required Disclosures
Section 38-33.3-209.4 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) requires associations to disclose the following information to its members, some of which must… …read more
Community Association ~ Best Practices: Harmony & Spirit
Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the Foundation for Community Association Research…is proud to offer function-specific Best Practices Reports in the community association industry. “..by treating all residents as stakeholders and developing and conducting community harmony and spirit-enhancing programs and including residents…” …read more
Community Association ~ Best Practices: Financial Operations
Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the Foundation for Community Association Research…is proud to offer function-specific Best Practices Reports in the community association industry. “…while the responsibility for an association’s finances rests with the board, there are numerous areas where advice should be sought from qualified financial professionals.” …read more
Community Association ~ Best Practices: Ethics
Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the Foundation for Community Association Research…is proud to offer function-specific Best Practices Reports in the community association industry. “…when someone is employing ethics, he or she recognizes what is right and what is wrong and is choosing to do the right thing; however…the ‘right thing’ is not always straightforward.” …read more
Community Association ~ Best Practices: Governance
Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the Foundation for Community Association Research…is proud to offer function-specific Best Practices Reports in the community association industry. “…the board, on behalf of the owners, must see to it that the organization achieves the desirable while avoiding the unacceptable. Period.” …read more
Community Association ~ Best Practices: Reserve Studies
Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the Foundation for Community Association Research…is proud to offer function-specific Best Practices Reports in the community association industry. “…Every community association requires a different amount of cash in reserves to complete repair or replacement projects on schedule without special assessments or…” …read more
Community Association ~ Best Practices: Strategic Planning
Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the Foundation for Community Association Research…is proud to offer function-specific Best Practices Reports in the community association industry. “Strategic planning’s three main components are plan development, plan execution, and plan review. …read more
Community Association ~ Fact Book, 2014, Part 1, Summary
Summary report of How and Why Community Associations Work. …read more
Community Association ~ Fact Book, 2014, Part 2, Full Report
Sixty-one page report of How and Why Community Associations Work. …read more
Coolers (“Swamp”), Recommended Window Settings
Swamp coolers work best with proper window settings. Do you know what is the right about to open your windows to allow proper air circulation? …read more
Four Rules of HOA Assessments ~ The Ponzi Scheme
Is your homeowners association a Ponzi scheme? Did you buy someone else’s debt when you purchased your home? …read more