Our History

Elk Peaks Consulting Group, Ltd.
Our History

Elk Peaks Consulting Group, Ltd. is a closely-held, for profit Colorado corporation that was incorporated on February 2, 2002.   The entity has been in continuous operation since 2002 and specializes in providing beneficial services to Associations and Property Owners.

We are not a giant corporation where you will get lost in the shuffle.  Instead, we are a small firm that has the resources needed by you or your association.  We take pride in knowing who you are, what your organization needs and wants and providing those needs as timely and efficiently as possible.

We are licensed under Colorado law to provide services to Homeowners Associations.  While licensing allows us to provide homeowner services, our education, training, tools and experience enables us to provide what you need when you need it.

Equally important is our focus on Excellence.  We constantly look for opportunities to learn more, do more, and to achieve more for our customers.  We are constantly exploring new information, new information sources, new technology and are proactive in understanding any and all new laws or regulations that apply to any association or property that we manage.  

The principal of Elk Peaks has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Wyoming.  After college he spent many years in middle and upper management roles, primarily in a financial management capacity.  His experience includes tenure with a Fortune 1000 firm as their Assistant Treasurer helping to manage a $1.2 billion loan portfolio.  In a later career position, he served as the National Director of Credit for a Fortune 36 firm and managed a group of 175 employees that were responsible for $800 million in outstanding accounts receivables owed by US domestic as well as foreign firms.

In addition to his financial experience, Elk Peaks’ principal has built or remodeled several homes and other types of structures, thus he understands construction and the contractors that provide construction services.

The principal of Elk Peaks has “walked the walk.”  He has served on several boards of directors – HOAs, Special Districts and a variety of other boards – which means that he understands what works and doesn’t work and how to work with a board and members of a community to achieve results.  Additionally, his experience includes several years tenure with the Garfield County Planning Commission where he frequently reviews and must cast votes to approve/disapprove HOA/Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) or changes requested by Developers.

rubiks-cube-157058_960_720In short, Elk Peaks has the required licensing and the right knowledge and experience to complete an Association’s  Administrative, Financial and Physical Management puzzle.  

Our goal isn’t to be “big.”  We just want to be “the best at what we do.”

Our task is to fully understand the Association’s needs and to establish effective strategies to meet these needs fairly, equitably and with as much transparency as possible.  In short, our goal is to build a strong working relationship built on trust, effective communication, strong financial management and full transparency.”  Keith Lammey, President, Elk Peaks Consulting Group, Ltd.

We would welcome an opportunity to provide your association’s management needs!

Contact Us at: Elk Peaks Consulting Group, Ltd., 46 East Ridge, Ste. 100, Battlement Mesa CO 81635 | or 23 Buck Street, P O Box 782, South Fork, CO 81154 | 970.285.7482 |